April 25th 2024
Digital Care Hub took centre stage this week at the Care Show in London, speaking on various panel discussions about technology in social care. Project Lead Katie Thorn chaired an afternoon panel discussion with colleagues from the Digitising Social Care (DiSC) Programme and Health Foundation on how care providers can access government support for digital transformation initiatives.
Kerren Friend, DiSC’s Senior Programme Manager, spoke about a new campaign that launched this week to encourage adult social care providers to access funding to set up digital social care records.
The DiSC’s Clock is Ticking campaign aims to raise awareness of the support available from local teams and the need to act now before the application window closes later this year.
Over 60% of registered care providers are now using digital social care records which help improve care, save time and increase efficiency.
Alice Ainsworth, DiSC deputy director, social care tech policy and strategy says:
“Almost two thirds of adult social care providers now use digital social care records solution and every day we hear from registered managers and their teams who tell us they would never go back to paper.
“There is a wealth of support available from helping you to access funding to choosing a suitable supplier.
“But the clock is ticking – funding won’t be available forever so act now. Contact your local team to get started.”
For more information, visit the Digitising Social Care website.
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