Better Security, Better Care programme extended and new projects awarded

Better Security, Better Care programme extended and new projects awarded
Please note: This news article was posted 2 years ago. The content or guidance displayed in this news post may no longer be relevant.

January 5th 2022

Digital Social Care and NHSX are delighted to announce that the Better Security, Better Care programme will continue to support care providers throughout 2022/23.

NHSX has confirmed an extension of the programme which supports providers with data protection and cyber security arrangements through the use of the Data Security and Protection Toolkit.

Speaking about the programme extension, Alex Harris, Head of NHS and Social Care Cyber Risk at NHSX said:

“NHSX recognises that care providers are not data and digital experts, and that the sector is under exceptional pressure. So we are delighted to confirm that the Better Security, Better Care programme will continue to provide free support on data and cyber security throughout 2022/23.  We urge all providers to access the programme and to complete the Data Security and Protection Toolkit.”

Michelle Corrigan, Programme Director of Better Security, Better Care said:

“The adult social care White Paper – People at the Heart of Care – clearly commits to accelerating the use of data and digital technology to support care. It also specifically references building on the Better Security, Better Care programme which has already helped thousands of care providers to improve their data and cyber security arrangements which are absolutely essential to the safe and effective use of digital tech.

“Today’s announcement that the programme will continue is particularly timely given the current live cyber vulnerability threat (Log4j) facing all organisations. Keeping safe in the digital world is not an optional extra for our sector: it is a core requirement. We look forward to continuing to work with all care providers – regardless of their digital knowledge and skills.”

The Better Security, Better Care programme will continue to include national services available to all care providers, as well as help from Local Support Organisations across the country. The focus will remain on helping care providers to work their way through an annual self-assessment using the Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT).

We are also very pleased to announce additional partners who will be delivering six new Better Security, Better Care projects between now and the end of March 2022. Following a highly competitive tender process, we have awarded the following contracts:

1 Training and skills development for the care sector – Institute of Public Care at Oxford Brookes University 

This project will identify the data protection and cyber security training needs of small and medium enterprise care providers including current provision, and how the training market could be developed.

2 Identifying the key market drivers for a digital support service – National Care Forum

There has been an increase in the marketplace of private companies offering DSPT support to care providers, however the perceived quality of these services is variable. This project will explore opportunities to develop the market for commercial support to small and medium enterprise (SME) care providers in the future.

3 Learning from other sectors using the DSPT – National Care Forum

This project will investigate and learn from other sectors using DSPT – such as dentists, pharmacies and opticians – to identify where there are opportunities for additional programme developments.

4 Supporting diverse care providers to become DSPT compliant – VODG

This project will explore how to support a wider, more diverse range of care providers beyond care home and home care service, to comply with the DSPT. This will include Shared Lives schemes, mental health services, hospices and supporting living services.

5 Supporting people drawing on social care to make informed choices about digital security – Liverpool Social Care Partnership

This project will establish if and how a better understanding of digital maturity and data and cyber security would enable people drawing on social care and their friends/families to make more informed choices about care providers.

6 Evaluating the Better Security, Better Care programme – Cordis Bright

This project is an independent evaluation of the Better Security, Better Care support programme activities during in 2021/22. Findings will inform the future activities for 2022/23.

Media enquiries

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Further information

Better Security, Better Care programme

The Data Security and Protection Toolkit

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