Completing Approaching Standards on the Data Security and Protection Toolkit

These guides, tools and films will help you to complete the Data Security and Protection Toolkit and publish at Approaching Standards.

Remember, Approaching Standards is a temporary standard to help you get to Standards Met. Once you reach Approaching Standards, we strongly recommend that you continue to work through the DSPT and reach Standards Met.

You can only publish at Approaching Standards once. The next time you complete the DSPT, you will need to reach Standards Met – or even Standards Exceeded.

You may feel confident completing the DSPT yourself, but you can also access free support from the Better Security, Better Care programme. We have teams of Local Support Partners across England providing direct support and advice.

Introduction to the Data Security and Protection Toolkit

Guidance on How to Complete to Approaching Standards: We’ve written a guide on how to complete all the mandatory questions to get to Approaching Standards.  It explains what you need to do for each evidence item, and how to produce an Action Plan which will demonstrate how you will get to Standards Met.

Template policies and resources: We have written template policies and guidance materials to help you complete the DSPT. All of these are free to use and completely editable.

Webinar recordings: We ran a series of webinars in November and December 2020. These cover how to complete the DSPT, including how to register.