Check your DSPT status

If you are not sure if your organisation has completed the Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT) before, you can check the status online. It is public information.

Use the organisation search function on the Toolkit. This will show you if your organisation has published, and at what level (eg Approaching Standards, Standards Met or Standards Exceeded).

The search will also show you if your organisation is registered to use the DSPT but has not yet published.

You can search by the name of the organisation or the ODS (organisation code). See guidance on finding your ODS code.

Once you have checked your DSPT status, you can then consider If you need to register and use the DSPT for the first time, or review and republish.

Get Support

Can’t find your services on the DSPT? If you cannot find your service on the DSPT but you believe you have registered or published, contact the DSPT help desk [email protected]

Find your DSPT lead: If your service is registered on the DSPT, but you are not sure who your DSPT lead is, contact the DSPT Help Desk [email protected]

Get help to register and complete your DSPT: Contact your local Better Security, Better Care support organisation or the Digital Social Care helpline. 0208 133 3430 email [email protected]