Using The Data Security & Protection Toolkit – Better Security, Better Care Webinars

This page has been created to host the recordings of our Better Security, Better Care webinars which ran from 13 October to 10 November 2020.

Who are these webinars for?

These webinars are for providers of adult social care in England. They will help your organisation prepare for registering on and completing the Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT). No technical knowledge is needed. These webinars are provided by the Institute of Public Care (IPC), part of Oxford Brookes University, on behalf of Digital Social Care and as part of a national support programme funded by NHSX called Better Security, Better Care.

How to register for the Data Security and Protection Toolkit.

Having trouble registering on the DSPT or want to find out how to? This webinar will get you started, including troubleshooting common problems.

Start here – what you need to know about data security.

Includes basic precautions and how to deal with data breaches.

Start here – the policies and procedures you need for better security

Explores the documentation and processes you need to have in place to be GDPR / Data Protection Act compliant.

Start here – the data protection and cyber security training your staff need

Outlines the data protection and cyber security training your staff need and where to find it.

Start here – protect your IT systems and devices from cyber threats

Indicates what you need to do to protect your computers and IT systems from cyber threats.