Adult Social Care Caldicott Guardian Learning Network

This learning network aims to bring together a range of Caldicott Guardians to learn, share and explore the growing role of a Caldicott Guardian in adult social care. CGs from both local authorities and care provider organisations are invited to participate.

The purpose is to provide support to all those across the care sector who have the Caldicott Guardian role as part of their jobs, offer a networking, sharing and learning space and promote the role as best practice . We aspire to encourage and explore innovation in relation to the role and influence future ways of working.


Principles of CG Network

  • Collaborate and cooperate, to strengthen the Caldicott Guardian’s role in data governance across social care
  • Be open. Communicate openly about concerns, issues, or opportunities relating to Caldicott Guardians and information governance in social care.
  • Learn, develop, and seek to achieve full potential. Share information, experience, materials, and skills to learn from each other and develop effective collaboration.
  • Adopt a positive outlook. Behave in a positive, proactive, and timely manner.
  • Keep the group up to date on data governance developments to Caldicott Guardians in the sector, feeding back key information and potential of new approaches/practice


Who should attend?

The ASC Caldicott Guardian Learning Network has been designed for Caldicott Guardians working in adult social care – whether within a Local Authority or Care Provider Organisation. This can include staff in care organisations who have a Caldicott function in their job role.



The Network is run by Digital Care Hub and co-chaired by the National Care Forum and a Social Care Caldicott Guardian. We are delighted to be supported by UK Caldicott Guardian Council for these meetings. Meetings are virtual and bi-monthly. Meeting recordings are not available although anonymised minutes and presentations will be shared with attendees.


Register for upcoming sessions