All staff working in adult social care should understand their data protection responsibilities. You can use this elearning course to improve and assess your staff’s understanding. The course has been specifically designed to meet the Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT) training requirements every year and it also contributes towards staff’s continuing professional development (CPD).
It is open access and free to use. Managers, trainers and training leads should read this short guide before using the course or sharing it with colleagues. You may want to complete the course yourself.
You can also join our webinar on using the elearning resources – 12 December 2023.
The elearning course introduces why data security and protection is important and shows staff what they should do to keep data safe. There are four modules, each one takes between 10-20 minutes to complete. Your staff can work their way through all or just some of the modules. Click on the module titles for a summary of content, learning outcomes and approximate time to complete each one.
- Read this guide before you share the elearning course with staff.
- Encourage all your staff to complete this elearning course. That includes senior managers and admin staff as well as frontline care workers. They all have access to either clients’ or colleagues’ data.
- Add this elearning course to your induction training. It will help to ensure that all staff have a shared understanding of data protection issues.
- Schedule in an annual refresher course. You need to complete the DSPT at least once a year – that includes ensuring staff have been trained in the last 12 months.
- If you have an LMS, add this course to it. Contact us to request a SCORM compliant version.
- Add a link to this resource in your staff bulletin, noticeboard or shared documents system. See Information for your staff for suggested copy.
- Record successful completion of this course against staff members’ training records. Ask your staff to send you a copy of their certificate, which will include the date they successfully completed their assessment.
- Ensure training records are up to date by the time you submit your annual DSPT. 95% of your staff should have passed this elearning course, or similar, in the 12 months prior to your DSPT submission.