Complete a module

Format of the modules

The modules contain:

  • Short videos from individuals within the adult social care sector that have a role in data security and protection.
  • Interactive content to help work through the information in bite-sized pieces.
  • Multiple choice questions to embed learning. When people complete a question, they are told which ones they got right or wrong – and why.
  • Summaries of key learning points at the end of each module.
  • A glossary and resources relating to each module


We hope that you find the elearning resources easy to follow and use. Here’s a quick guide to how to use the main features.

Menu buttons

Wherever you are in the elearning, if you click on Back to Menu it will take you back to a page showing you all of the sections of that module. You can then click on a section to go to it.

Using buttons

Whenever you see a round button with an arrow in it, you can click on it to move along. For example, the image below shows you what an interaction looks like. There are several messages on each screen. You can see these by clicking on the pink circles with the arrow. You can move back and forwards through these messages. As you click through these messages, you’ll see that the buttons at the bottom also move along. This shows you how many messages there are and how far you’ve clicked through.

Once you’ve clicked through all of them, you’ll be prompted to scroll down the page to get more information.

You’ll also see pages like this. If you click on the pink button with the down arrow, it opens up more information. Keep clicking until all of the boxes are open.

Opening boxes

You will be prompted to click on a box to get more information about a particular subject. Here are some examples of the types of boxes of information that you will see.

When you click on Essential Data Backup, it opens up like this:

Click to learn more

You will also be prompted to click on an item to learn more about a subject. For example, below you click on images to find out what is meant by Monitor and Review.

Answer questions

There are lots of multichoice questions within the elearning resource. Just select the options that seem to be right. Sometimes there is just one correct option, and sometimes there will be more than one correct answer. Select all that seem to be right and click Submit.

You’ll be told if you got the answer right or wrong – and why.

Here’s an example of a message that you will get if your answer is not right or is incomplete.

 Links to additional resources

In the eLearning there are lots of useful links to additional resources and information on particular topics.  These are highlighted in different colours or by a text box. When you click on links they will open up in a separate tab in your browser.


Glossary and collected resources

You can access the glossary and links to all the resources relevant to the module from any page in the module. Click on the three lines in the top left hand corner of the webpage.


Links to the glossary and resources will appear.

Resources can also be accessed at the end of each module.

Finish your session

You should try to complete at least one whole module at a time. It’s much easier to learn that way.

In Module 2 there are two sections within the module (‘Managing Data’ and ‘Managing Risks’). Once you finish the first section, you will be given the option to move on to the next section within that module, or you can go back to the Main Menu – which is how to exit the course.

In all other Modules once you have completed the eLearning, you should ‘close the webpage’, and return to the Digital Care Hub website.

You can come out of your session anytime by closing all of the web pages that you have open about the elearning course. If you do this, the computer will not remember where you are on the course. It wipes out all your interactions and answers.

Look at the top of your screen. You will see tabs with the names of the web pages that you have open. Click on the X in the tab with the name of the eLearning page on it.