DSPT training and webinars

The Better Security, Better Care programme provides national and local support and training to help care providers to complete the Data Security and Protection Toolkit.

We have also developed an elearning course for staff on data security. This course will enable care providers to meet the training requirement within the DSPT.


We host regular webinars on completing the DSPT for the first time and how to review and republish your DSPT.

We also host related webinars including:

  • cyber security for homecare and small providers
  • why and how local authorities should support care providers with the DSPT
  • business continuity planning and cyber security
  • new care services and the DSPT.

Book to attend a forthcoming webinar.

Watch a recording of previous sessions.

Tailored, local support

Our 28 local support organisations across England free webinars, workshops and one-to-one training on data security, and on how to complete the Data Security and Protection Toolkit. Find your local support organisation.

Data security training for staff

In order to complete the DSPT to Standards Met, you must ensure that at least 95% of your staff have undergone data security training in the 12 months prior to publication. We know that’s challenging which is why we have develop an elearning course, with a certificate, to enable you to do this.

Visit the elearning programme.

We have also produced a managers’ discussion tool and questionnaire for staff. This discussion tool is designed to help managers to have discussions with frontline staff to check their knowledge and provide evidence of their competence in data security and protection. Access the discussion tool.