December 15th 2022
We are looking for an agency with a strong track record to develop and deliver a communications and engagement campaign aimed at care providers who are not using the Data Security and Protection Toolkit.
The Better Security, Better Care programme has been highly successful in supporting care providers to complete the DSPT. We believe we have recruited the most engaged care providers. Our focus now is on working with the harder to reach and engage.
We are inviting experienced communications and engagement agencies to work with our existing team to raise awareness of the importance of keeping information safe, the benefits of the DSPT and the freely-available Better Security, Better Care support programme with these hard to engage providers.
The successful agency will work closely with the Programme’s Communications Lead, Engagement Lead, Director, and Communications and Engagement Working Group.
The project is likely to include developing: a profile of hard to engage providers; a model strategy to engage these providers and those who influence them; narratives and key messages for segments of the target audience; a toolkit of templates and resources for use by our local, regional and national teams; a targeted press campaign; case studies, blogs and vlogs.
Timescales and budget
The timescale for delivery is exceptionally tight. We therefore envisage the toolkit building up through the course of the commission to enable the Programme Team and local support organisations to use and test messages and tools as soon as possible.
Deadline for Expressions of Interest – 6 January 2023
Submission review and clarifications – 9 January 2023
Grant awarded – 11 January 2023
Project go live – 16 January 2023
Project end – 31 March 2023
Budget – Up to £75,000 inc VAT
Full details including how to express an interest are available on the Contracts Finder
Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash
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