Policy developments: advocate for social care

Policy developments: advocate for social care

November 21st 2024

The Autumn Budget and plans for a National Care Service are opportunities to present your ideas to government. Make sure your voice is heard.

We’ve summarised some of the key opportunities to advocate for social care.

Policy developments and social care technology: Digital Care Hub is developing our responses to: Change NHS – the Government’s public conversation on the future of health and care; The Health and Social Care Select Committee’s inquiry Adult Social Care: The Cost of Inaction; and The Autumn budget. Our focus will be on digitisation, technology and data sharing. We want to ensure our responses reflect the experiences of care providers. Please share your views and experiences, either as a care group or an individual service. You do not need to answer all questions. If you are a tech supplier, please encourage your care provider clients to complete this survey. Deadline: Wednesday 27 November 2024.

Providers Unite – Campaign for Change – This is a grassroots campaign uniting adult care service providers across the country to advocate for meaningful change. You can read and sign their open letter.

Change NHS – Go to the online portal to give your views on how the government can make a health service fit for the future. Deadline: Monday 2 December

Health and Social Care Select Committee call for evidence – This inquiry seeks to understand what this inaction is costing. They will investigate the cost of inaction to individuals, the NHS, local authorities and also to the wider economy and HM Treasury, focussing not only on the financial cost, but also on the personal costs and on potential benefits that are being missed. Deadline: Wednesday 11 December.

Petition for Social Care Provider NIC exemption – This public petition is calling on the government to exempt all social care providers from the employer NIC increase. If the petition attracts 100,000 signatures, it will be considered for debate in Parliament.


Photo by David W. Meyer on Unsplash

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